PennDOT Completes Manor Road Roundabout Construction in West Brandywine Township


WEST BRANDYWINE TOWNSHIP, PA — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) this week completed major construction and opened the newly-built roundabout to improve travel and safety through the Route 82 (Manor Road) and Cedar Knoll Road/Reeceville Road Intersection in West Brandywine Township, Chester County.

PennDOT’s contractor began work on this project in March 2023 to construct a single-lane roundabout to enhance traffic flow through the intersection. The project also included a full-depth reconstruction of the existing intersection; installation of new lighting and a storm sewer drainage system to improve the conveyance of runoff to downstream drainage swales; and grading for future installation of sidewalks and crossings.

The purpose of the project is to reduce overall crashes at the intersection; reduce vehicle speeds; and provide a safe and efficient intersection that will serve existing and future traffic.

While major construction on the project has been completed, additional work this year will include installing permanent lighting and plantings.

Marino Corporation of Skippack, Montgomery County, is the general contractor on the $1.5 million project, which was financed with 100 percent federal funds.

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