Former High School Band Director Convicted of Sexual Assault in Pennsylvania

Court News

HARRISBURG, PA — A Luzerne County jury has found Theron Roberts, 41, a former band director at Crestwood High School, guilty of sexual assault against a student, Attorney General Michelle Henry announced. Roberts was convicted of felony institutional sexual assault, corruption of minors, and two misdemeanor counts of indecent assault for events dating back to 2019.

Roberts is scheduled for sentencing on September 27. This conviction stems from allegations that he exploited his authority to gain the trust of a student before assaulting them. “This defendant abused his position of power and invested time in grooming the student, obtaining their trust, before assaulting them,” stated Attorney General Henry, commending the jurors for addressing the gravity of the case and praising the victim’s bravery in confronting their abuser in court.

Testimonies revealed that Roberts initiated inappropriate contact with the victim during their seventh-grade year, escalating his advances over time. This included touching the student’s thigh during private lessons, making comments about the student’s personal life, and eventually physically assaulting the student in a secluded area of the school. Roberts also threatened the victim to keep silent about the incident.

The case, spotlighting the severe abuse of power within educational institutions, was led by Deputy Attorney General Julia van Leeuwen and Senior Deputy Attorney Lauren Eichelberger, highlighting the ongoing fight against sexual misconduct and the importance of holding those in authority accountable.

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