Nutritional Development Services Seeks Participants for After School Meals Program

Toddler smilingPhoto by Alexander Dummer on

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Nutritional Development Services (NDS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is actively seeking after-school enrichment and educational programs to join its After School Meals Program. This critical initiative aims to provide free, nutritious meals to children and youth aged 18 or younger across the Greater Philadelphia area when the school day concludes and during school holidays.

The After School Meals Program is designed to operate in diverse settings such as schools, childcare centers, churches, community centers, and clubs. To qualify, participating sites must be a non-profit organization with 501(c)3 status and have facilities for refrigeration and storage for 2-3 days. Each site should cater to at least 25 children for three or more days weekly. Meals are delivered daily, ready-to-eat, at no cost to the sites or families involved.

“Kids are hungry after a long day at school. Providing meals in an after-school setting is a win, win for students and their families,” said Ms. Lizanne F. Hagedorn, Executive Director of NDS. “While participating in educational and enrichment activities, students are offered healthy and kid-tested meals that provide the nutrients needed for continued growth and development.”

In 2023, the program supported 110 sites throughout the Greater Philadelphia area, distributing approximately 570,000 meals and snacks to children.

The After School Meals Program is part of the federally funded Child and Adult Care Food Program operated nationally by the USDA and administered regionally by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Enrichment programs interested in participating can contact NDS at 215-895-3470 for more information.

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