PennDOT Reopens Lanes on U.S. 202 in King of Prussia After Sinkhole Repairs


KING OF PRUSSIA, PA — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has announced the reopening of several lanes on U.S. 202 (Dekalb Pike) following a series of sinkhole repairs in King of Prussia, Montgomery County. The move comes after extensive repair operations aimed at addressing multiple sinkholes that had led to significant travel disruptions in the area.

Both lanes on U.S. 202 North and one lane on U.S. 202 South were reopened after asphalt paving operations were completed. However, PennDOT officials have advised motorists that the right lane on southbound U.S. 202 between Saulin Boulevard and Henderson Road will remain closed for additional pavement repairs.

The sinkhole issue first emerged on Thursday, December 14, when a sinkhole was discovered in the right travel lane just north of Henderson Road on U.S. 202 North. This led to the initial closure of the lane. By Saturday, December 16, PennDOT had managed to reopen one lane on U.S. 202 North after successful repair operations.

The problem escalated on Friday, December 15, with the discovery of multiple sinkholes underneath the southbound travel lanes on U.S. 202 South. This led to a complete closure of the road, causing significant inconvenience to motorists.

The reopening of these lanes is expected to ease travel disruptions in King of Prussia, especially during this busy holiday season. However, motorists are urged to exercise caution while driving in the area and follow any traffic updates from PennDOT regarding the ongoing repair works.

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