Major Construction on $44.1 Million U.S. 202 Widening Project Completed Ahead of Schedule


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has announced that major construction has been completed a year in advance on the $44.1 million project to widen and reconstruct nearly three miles of U.S. 202 from south of Morris Road to Hancock Road in Whitpain and Lower Gwynedd townships, Montgomery County.

The U.S. 202 Section 65S project forms part of PennDOT’s comprehensive program to reconstruct, widen, and improve travel on a 9.1-mile section of U.S. 202 and selected intersections between Johnson Highway in Norristown and Route 309 in Montgomery Township. This section is one of four mainline contracts under this multi-phase initiative.

The first mainline section (65N) from Route 309 to Hancock Road was completed in 2012. Construction is currently underway on the two final mainline U.S. 202 sections between Township Line Road and Johnson Highway Road in Whitpain and East Norriton townships and Norristown.

This stage of the project involved several significant improvements. U.S. 202 was reconstructed and widened from two lanes to five, with a center turn lane from Morris Road to Grasshopper Lane and from Schoolhouse Lane to Swedesford Road. The highway was also widened from two lanes to four with a mountable median curb from the Wissahickon Creek crossing to south of Schoolhouse Lane. Additionally, five-foot bicycle lanes were installed in both directions in the five-lane sections.

Other enhancements included the reconstruction of the bridge over the Wissahickon Creek, the construction of two sound walls and three retaining walls, new signal installation, signing and pavement markings, drainage improvements, and the integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to improve traffic flow. Efforts were also made to minimize environmental impact with the reconstruction of a wetland channel adjacent to Wissahickon Creek and a stone wall adjacent to the Gwynedd Friends Meetinghouse property.

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While the major construction phase has concluded, additional work will continue through the spring of 2024. This includes further paving, improving stormwater management facilities at several locations, and constructing an additional sound wall on the northbound side of U.S. 202 between Township Line Road and Grasshopper Lane in Lower Gwynedd Township. Commuters should anticipate periodic daytime lane closures at various locations through April 2024.

The Section 65S project was executed by James D. Morrissey, Inc., a Philadelphia-based general contractor, and financed with 80 percent federal and 20 percent state funds.

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