Kent Conservation District Opens Enrollment for Cover Crop Program

Farm© TheDigitalArtist / Pexels / Canva

DOVER, DE — The Kent Conservation District has opened the annual sign-up period for its Cover Crop Cost-Share Program. Running through August 30, this program is partly funded by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). It offers financial assistance to Kent County farmers to help cover the costs of seeds, labor, and equipment for planting fall cover crops.

Cover crops planted in the fall provide multiple benefits. They protect local water quality by preventing nutrient and sediment runoff into streams. They also improve soil health by adding organic matter, controlling weeds and pests, and stabilizing fields affected by too much or too little rain. Additionally, cover crops capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, helping to mitigate climate change.

The program supports farmers who plant small grains and other cover crops. The funding comes from federal grants, including the Clean Water Act Section 319 grant and the Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant, as well as non-federal funds provided by DNREC and the Delaware Department of Agriculture.

This initiative aims to encourage sustainable farming practices that benefit both the environment and agricultural productivity. Farmers interested in participating can find more information on the Kent Conservation District’s website.

The enrollment period signals a continued commitment to environmental stewardship and agricultural sustainability in Kent County. By supporting cover crop planting, the program helps ensure cleaner water, healthier soils, and a more stable climate.

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