Delaware Clean Water Trust Seeks Public Input on Five-Year Strategic Plan

WaterImage by Rony Michaud

DELAWARE — The Delaware Clean Water Trust Oversight Committee opened a 15-day public input period yesterday, offering the citizens of Delaware an opportunity to voice their suggestions for improving water quality throughout the state. This initiative comes as part of the committee’s recent adoption of its strategic plan and annual report, both of which provide a roadmap for the use of funding through the Delaware Clean Water Act.

Established by the Clean Water for Delaware Act, the committee serves as an advisory body to the Governor and the General Assembly. Its responsibilities include overseeing the Clean Water Trust funding and finances, as well as publishing an annual report and strategic plan for clean water.

The Clean Water Trust account, managed by the committee, comprises bond appropriations for clean water, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, and the Resource, Conservation, and Development funds. These resources are allocated for water quality and water-related projects.

With the Clean Water Trust funding playing a pivotal role in almost every aspect of water quality improvement in the state, the 15-day input period offers an invaluable opportunity for the public. From infrastructure for drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater to drainage programs and beach preservation, the breadth of these projects is wide-ranging. The input from the public is expected to influence the planning and execution of these initiatives in the years to come.

This public input period is particularly significant given the Clean Water Trust’s collaboration with Governor Carney’s Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities. This initiative is a cornerstone of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s (DNREC) environmental justice work with the state’s low-income, disadvantaged, and underserved communities.

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The strategic plan for 2023-2027 and the Fiscal Year 2022 annual report, along with the input form, can be found at The committee encourages Delaware residents to contribute their ideas and suggestions, helping shape future updates to the plan and trust priorities and strategies.

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