Spanish ‘Leave No Trace’ Video Debuts: Embracing Diversity in Pennsylvania’s Great Outdoors

PPFF Introduces Spanish-Language 'Leave No Trace' VideoSubmitted Image

CAMP HILL, PA — In a notable step towards fostering inclusiveness in outdoor recreation, the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) has unveiled a Spanish-language video detailing the ‘Leave No Trace’ principles. This initiative is part of PPFF’s broader commitment to diversity, ensuring that the growing Spanish-speaking community—comprising nearly 9% of Pennsylvania’s population—has access to essential environmental ethics.

The ‘Leave No Trace’ principles, a set of seven guidelines, are paramount for promoting conservation and ensuring a safe, enjoyable experience in natural settings. By offering these guidelines in Spanish, PPFF is expanding its outreach to engage a significant portion of the state’s population. Marci Mowery, President of PPFF, emphasized the universal appeal of the outdoors, stating, “The outdoors is for everyone. The principles of Leave No Trace help people engage with outdoor spaces by developing knowledge that keeps helps them plan for an experience.”

The video project was realized through contributions from volunteers and funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Mowery acknowledged the collaborative effort, noting the role of local hosts in interpreting each principle with a personal touch. This initiative not only broadens understanding but also strengthens community ties to conservation efforts, reinforcing the idea that responsible recreation is a shared responsibility.

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