Investing in the Future: Pennsylvania Boosts Apprenticeship Programs with $450,000 Grant

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HARRISBURG, PA — The Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) recently announced a substantial $450,000 grant to enhance registered pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs across the state. This funding aims to strengthen the apprenticeship pipeline by fostering new partnerships and expanding existing ones, ultimately developing robust career pathways for Pennsylvanians.

L&I Secretary Nancy A. Walker emphasized the strategic importance of this initiative, stating, “By investing in our apprenticeship infrastructure, we’re not only addressing the current needs of our workforce but also building a sustainable system for future growth.” This grant opportunity is not merely a financial injection; it is a pivotal effort to create a resilient talent pipeline and engage businesses in cultivating more apprenticeship opportunities.

Since the inauguration of Governor Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania has witnessed the establishment of over 55 new registered apprenticeship programs, enrolling nearly 10,000 new apprentices. The Shapiro Administration is particularly focused on reaching historically underserved populations, recognizing apprenticeships as a gateway to family-sustaining wages without the burden of student debt.

The economic benefits of apprenticeships are substantial. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, apprentices start with an average annual salary of $80,000 post-graduation and are projected to earn $300,000 more over their careers compared to non-apprenticeship graduates. Moreover, employers benefit from a return of $1.47 in increased productivity for every dollar invested in apprenticeship programs.

This grant will support the creation of two cohorts of local and regional apprenticeship networks over the next two years, training at least 40 individuals to achieve journey worker status as Apprenticeship Navigators. The Apprenticeship and Training Office (ATO), established in 2016, plays a crucial role in this initiative, currently supporting 877 registered apprenticeship program sponsors and over 15,000 active apprentices across the Commonwealth.

READ:  Unlocking Opportunities: Discover How Pennsylvania's $5.4 Million Investment is Transforming Apprenticeships!

Eligible applicants for this grant include previous awardees from the Ambassador Networks NGAs released in 2019 and 2021. The grant performance period is set from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2026, with the application deadline on October 18, 2024. A bidder’s conference will take place on September 24, 2024, to provide further details to potential applicants.

Through this strategic grant, Pennsylvania aims not only to enhance its workforce capabilities but also to foster an inclusive and sustainable economic future.

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