Dallas High School Triumphs in Pennsylvania State LifeSmarts Championship

LifeSmarts, Dallas High SchoolSubmitted Image

HARRISBURG, PA — Dallas High School from Luzerne County has emerged victorious in the Pennsylvania State LifeSmarts Championship. The competition, held on Thursday by the Office of Attorney General, saw the Dallas High team outsmart four other teams to secure the state title.

LifeSmarts is an educational competition that tests teenagers’ understanding of personal finance, health and safety, environmental issues, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities. The contest pits students in grades 6 through 8 (Junior Varsity) and 9 through 12 (Varsity) against each other in a battle of wits and wisdom.

Attorney General Michelle Henry underscored the significance of the competition, stating, “An important part of the Office of Attorney General’s mission is to help educate students to make good life choices as consumers.” She lauded the participants for their impressive knowledge and emphasized the collective responsibility to empower students through education, fostering stronger, safer, and more prosperous communities.

The journey to the state finals began with an online competition involving teens from across Pennsylvania. With their state win, Dallas High School’s varsity team has now qualified for the 30th National LifeSmarts Championship scheduled for April 18-21, 2024, in San Diego, California. There, they will vie for the prestigious Florence Kelley Cup, scholarships, and other prizes against teams from across the country.

Marie Popielarz, the Dallas High School Team Captain, described the competition as a closely fought contest, attributing their victory to the team’s experience with the competition.

Other schools that made it to the state finals included Pine Grove Area High School, North East High School, Cumberland Valley High School, and Upper Dublin High School.

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Lisa Hertzberg, Program Director of the National LifeSmarts Program, highlighted the long-term benefits for participants, stating that they win by learning to “avoid common consumer pitfalls and scams, navigate the government, prepare for their financial futures, and so much more.”

The LifeSmarts competition is a program of the National Consumers League (NCL). Established in 1899, the NCL is America’s pioneer consumer organization with a mission to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the U.S. and abroad.

The state-level victory of Dallas High School is not just a testament to the students’ knowledge and skills but also an affirmation of the crucial role competitions like LifeSmarts play in preparing young Pennsylvanians for the real world.

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