PennDOT Gears Up for Winter Season, Offers Employment Opportunities in Philadelphia Region

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NORRISTOWN, PA — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is all set for the upcoming winter season, with comprehensive plans for snow removal and road maintenance across five counties in the Philadelphia region. In a briefing held yesterday at the Montgomery County maintenance facility, PennDOT highlighted its winter preparations and employment opportunities.

“Whatever the weather brings this winter to the Philadelphia region, PennDOT will be ready,” assured Din Abazi, P.E., Senior Assistant District Executive of Maintenance for District 6. He confirmed that PennDOT’s crews have been preparing for this winter since the end of the last one and are ready to deliver the best possible service under challenging conditions.

District 6 is responsible for over 11,000 snow-lane miles on state highways across Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. When winter weather hits, PennDOT’s primary focus will be on interstates, expressways, and higher-traffic roads, ensuring all routes remain passable. During larger storms, lower-traffic roadways may take longer to address, but PennDOT will continue to clear roads until the storm ends.

With a budget of $21 million for this winter’s operations in the region, District 6 boasts a fleet of 182 state-owned snow trucks and 263 private contractor trucks, with over 131,000 tons of salt at the ready. The number of contractor trucks and materials used for each event will be determined by the severity of each storm.

Abazi stressed the importance of the equipment operators’ role during a storm, as they plow snow, monitor computers controlling the flow of salt, track pavement temperatures, and watch for traffic and possible roadside obstacles. To meet these challenges, PennDOT is actively recruiting statewide and in Southeastern Pennsylvania for winter employees.

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Temporary positions, often leading to longer-term employment opportunities, are available for equipment operators to supplement the department’s full-time staff. Minimum requirements include possession of a CDL. Search listings at

Assisting PennDOT this winter are 92 municipalities in the Philadelphia region, who have entered into winter maintenance agreements covering more than 3,000 snow lane miles, with local crews set to salt and plow specified state roads in each municipality.

Safety remains PennDOT’s top priority. The public is urged to assist in keeping themselves and snowplow drivers safe by slowing down, increasing their following distance, avoiding distractions, and staying off the road during winter storms. Last winter, aggressive driving behaviors such as speeding or making careless lane changes were factors in 135 crashes resulting in one fatality and 61 injuries on winter-weather roadways statewide in Pennsylvania.

Motorists encountering a snowplow on the roadway are advised to slow down and maintain at least six car lengths of distance for safety. Passing a snowplow is discouraged due to the wide spread of the plow blades.

PennDOT also recommends that motorists prepare for potential bad weather by carrying an emergency kit in their vehicles, including non-perishable food, water, first-aid supplies, a small shovel, cell phone charger, and any other necessary items like baby or pet supplies, and medications. For more information on winter guidelines, operations, and safety, visit

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