Shapiro Administration Highlights Lyme Disease Awareness and Prevention

Tick AwarenessCredit: Commonwealth Media Services

HARRISBURG, PA — The Shapiro Administration is taking significant steps to raise awareness about Lyme disease and tick bite prevention in Pennsylvania. Representatives from the Departments of Health (DOH), Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), and Environmental Protection (DEP) visited Memorial Lake State Park to emphasize the importance of outdoor safety.

Pennsylvania ranks among the top ten states for Lyme disease cases per capita. This year alone, the DOH has reported 11,263 lab-confirmed cases. While most cases can be successfully treated with antibiotics, untreated infections pose serious health risks, including the potential spread to joints, heart, and nervous system.

To combat this, the DOH has launched a new online dashboard that provides insights into tick prevalence across the state. This tool helps residents take necessary precautions when planning outdoor activities.

The health benefits of outdoor activities are numerous, including improved cardiovascular health, stronger muscles and bones, reduced risk of chronic diseases, lower stress levels, and enhanced mental well-being. However, it’s crucial to take preventive measures against ticks and mosquitoes. Residents should use EPA-approved insect repellents, wear long sleeves and pants, and check for ticks after outdoor activities. DEP also monitors and manages tick and mosquito populations to safeguard public health.

The Shapiro Administration’s emphasis on awareness and prevention aims to ensure Pennsylvanians can safely enjoy the state’s vast natural resources, from state parks to local greenspaces, while minimizing the risks associated with tick and mosquito bites.

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