Bipartisan Resolution Introduced to Designate September 25 as Military Sexual Trauma Awareness Day

Houlahan Introduces Bipartisan Resolution for Military Sexual Trauma Awareness DaySubmitted Image

WASHINGTON, D.C.Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) has introduced a bipartisan resolution designating September 25 as Military Sexual Trauma Awareness Day. This initiative, captured in H.Res.1510, seeks to confront the troubling prevalence of military sexual trauma (MST) and catalyze reforms within the Armed Forces.

The resolution is co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of legislators, including Representatives Young Kim (R-CA) and Julia Brownley (D-CA), reflecting a shared commitment across party lines. It draws attention to the alarming statistics revealing that approximately one in three women and one in fifty men in the military experience MST. These figures highlight the urgent need for cultural and systemic changes to protect service members from such violations.

“Sexual assault has no place in our armed forces,” declared Rep. Houlahan. “The burden of fear — of assault, harassment, or exploitation — should never be a part of military service. We must work together to create an atmosphere where all service members can serve without this dread.” As a veteran, Houlahan brings personal insight and urgency to the issue, having experienced the unique challenges that servicewomen face during her military service in the 1990s.

Rep. Kim also emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “Our service members are heroes who put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms we hold dear. We must do more to support those who have unfortunately faced military sexual trauma during their time in service.”

During the event organized by the Servicewomen and Women Veterans Caucus, participants heard from various stakeholders, including representatives from the Department of Defense and veteran advocacy groups. These discussions highlighted the profound impact of MST on mental health, with increased risks of PTSD and suicide among affected service members. Insights from a psychiatrist specializing in MST underscored the necessity for enhanced mental health support.

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Additionally, the event featured a preview of a documentary that exposes the legal battles faced by military members seeking justice for sexual assault. This powerful narrative serves to amplify the voices of survivors and complements the legislative efforts to bring about change.

The introduction of H.Res.1510 marks a critical step towards fostering a military environment that prioritizes safety and respect. As the resolution gains traction, it holds the potential to drive substantial reforms, ensuring that all service members can serve in a culture that values accountability and support.

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