Finite Carbon Expands Forest Carbon Offset Program to Northeastern U.S.

Finite Carbon

CHATTANOOGA, TN, and WAYNE, PA — LandYield and Finite Carbon have expanded their forest carbon offset program, CORE Carbon®, to the northeastern United States. This move opens the program to over 200,000 landowners with properties ranging from 40 to 5,000 acres across 13 states in the region.

The expansion builds on the initial launch of CORE Carbon in 13 southeastern states in August 2023. The program currently has over 5,000 acres enrolled, with nearly 12,000 acres under review for approval. Third-party verification is underway to begin issuing credits under the American Carbon Registry (ACR) later this year.

CORE Carbon allows small family landowners to participate in carbon markets, a space traditionally reserved for large institutional proprietors. This democratization of access enables local spending of carbon revenues, supporting rural economies. Participating landowners also help protect water resources, improve habitat quality, and maintain recreational values on their forestlands.

Non-industrial forest landowners can enroll through CORE Carbon’s streamlined process and receive immediate revenue estimates. The program offers quarterly payments for deferring commercial timber harvests and increasing the carbon stored on their land. Finite Carbon provides project development and ongoing monitoring to ensure that offsets generated are independently verified and represent a quantifiable climate impact.

“The northeast region is home to incredibly diverse and resilient forestland, with family ownership comprising the majority of acreage,” said Josh Fain, Director at LandYield. “We’re thrilled to provide the region with a program that lowers barriers to carbon markets and provides financial support and resources to family landowners.”

Finite Carbon developed CORE Carbon using its patented remote sensing technology enabled by satellite imagery and data from the U.S. Forest Service. This technology measures and monitors forest growth to calculate specific carbon dioxide emission reductions and removals resulting from improved forest management practices.

Expanding Carbon Markets: Empowering Forest Owners for Climate Action

This expansion comes at a crucial time. The northeastern U.S. encompasses approximately 34.4 million acres of family-owned forestland. With a generational transfer of forestland underway, the importance of securing long-term revenue streams that reward stewardship and enhance environmental quality cannot be overstated.

The program’s impact extends beyond financial benefits. By promoting sustainable forest management, CORE Carbon helps mitigate climate change and supports biodiversity. For many landowners, this initiative represents an opportunity to contribute to global environmental goals while receiving tangible economic benefits.

For the general public, the implications are significant. As more landowners enroll, the increase in carbon sequestration will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. This effort supports broader climate objectives and underscores the critical role of private landowners in environmental conservation.

In conclusion, the expansion of CORE Carbon to the northeastern United States represents a pivotal step in broadening access to carbon markets. By leveraging advanced technology and providing financial incentives, Finite Carbon and LandYield are empowering small family landowners to play a vital role in climate mitigation and environmental stewardship. This initiative not only benefits individual landowners but also contributes to the sustainability and health of the region’s diverse forest ecosystems.

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