Going Green at Home This May

going greenImage by PIRO4D

MALVERN, PA — Switching to an eco-friendlier lifestyle can have positive impacts on more than just your health, your home could benefit as well.

Installing solar panels is an investment that generally offers strong returns, but if you are looking for less costly ways to be more green, there are a few easy ways to update your home.

“When buying new lightbulbs, purchase LED ones. They last longer and can help cut your electric bill too,” said Tri-County Suburban REALTORS® Chairman Vince Range. “When it is time to update appliances in your home, look for the Energy Star label, which ensures that the product is energy-efficient and water-efficient.”

In addition to efficient appliances, environmental experts recommend insulating water heaters and water pipes. Heater blankets help water heaters to work less to heat water, providing additional savings on electric or gas bills.

Further water savings by installing low-flow showerheads. These can significantly reduce the amount of water used without reducing water pressure.

Adding a smart thermostat is a reasonably priced option that can help households save money and reduce excessive energy use. Research shows they can reduce heating bills by up to 12%. It can also be helpful to ensure that your home is property insulated.

There are free ways to help the planet and save on bills too. If you aren’t recycling already, set aside a bin to collect your plastic, glass and other eligible items. Get in the habit of turning lights off when you leave a room and unplugging things that aren’t in use. Keeping reusable bags in your car makes it less likely you will forget them and while you’re at, plan to run all your errands at first instead of going back and forth.

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“Making an investment in green products generally pays off, but it doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune,” he added. “Just making small changes in your daily life can have a huge impact.”

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