PennDOT Launches Aggressive Driving Crackdown Across Southeastern Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State PoliceCredit: Commonwealth Media Services

KING OF PRUSSIA, PA — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has announced a new initiative to combat aggressive driving. Over 80 municipal police departments from Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties will join forces with the Pennsylvania State Police in a concerted effort to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities on local roads.

Focus Areas for Enforcement

This aggressive driving enforcement wave will run through August 18. Officers will target violations such as heavy truck infractions, pedestrian safety issues, red light running, and tailgating. Motorists who exhibit unsafe behaviors, like speeding or other aggressive actions, will also face citations.

Law enforcement agencies will implement several strategies to identify and penalize aggressive drivers. These include traffic enforcement zones, saturation patrols, speed enforcement details, corridor enforcement, work zone enforcement, and multi-jurisdictional patrols.

Funding and Goals

The initiative is part of Pennsylvania’s Highway Safety Program and is funded by federal grants from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The primary goal is to reduce the number of aggressive driving-related crashes, injuries, and deaths throughout the state.

Safety Tips for Drivers

PennDOT offers several tips for motorists who encounter aggressive drivers:

  • Move out of their way and avoid challenging them.
  • Stay calm, avoid eye contact, and ignore rude gestures.
  • If driving slower than most traffic, don’t block the passing lane.
  • Do not follow or pursue the vehicle. Instead, call the police from a safe location.
Impact of Aggressive Driving

According to 2023 PennDOT crash data, there were 1,363 aggressive driving crashes in the five-county area. These incidents resulted in 39 fatalities and 104 suspected serious injuries. Aggressive driving crashes typically involve at least two dangerous behaviors, such as running stop signs or red lights, tailgating, careless turning or passing, and speeding.

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PennDOT Cracks Down on Aggressive Driving

By targeting aggressive driving behaviors, PennDOT aims to make Pennsylvania’s roads safer for everyone. Any aggressive driver stopped by police during this enforcement wave will receive a ticket. This coordinated effort highlights the importance of safe driving practices and the state’s commitment to reducing road-related casualties.

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