Scheduled Maintenance on Route 32 to Cause Traffic Delays in Bucks County

Lane closuresImage by Ralf Vetterle

BUCKS COUNTY, PA — Drivers navigating through Bucks County should anticipate significant traffic disruptions in the coming days, as announced by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). A series of maintenance activities on Route 32 (River Road) are set to bring temporary closures and rerouting, impacting travel plans across several townships.

On Friday, May 3, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, a crucial stretch of Route 32 will be inaccessible between Route 232 (Windy Bush Road) and Brownsburg Road in New Hope Borough, Upper Makefield, and Solebury townships. The closure, necessary for pipe replacement work, will compel drivers to detour via Brownsburg Road, Eagle Road, Pineville Road, and back onto Route 232.

The following week, on Thursday, May 9, and Friday, May 10, during the same hours, another section of Route 32 will shut down between Bridgeton Hill Road and Dark Hollow Road in Bridgeton and Tinicum townships. This time, the installation of guiderails is the cause. Motorists will need to find their way around the closure using Dark Hollow Road, Route 413 (Old Easton Road), Route 611 (Easton Road), and Marienstein Road/Bridgeton Hill Road.

PennDOT has assured that local access will be maintained throughout these operations. However, those traveling near the affected areas are advised to budget extra time into their journeys to account for the expected backups and delays. Given that all scheduled work is contingent upon favorable weather conditions, travelers should stay informed about potential changes to these plans.

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